With Thanks to Our Donors and Supporters

- Raised over $70,000 to support the Annual Appeal and Harvest for Hunger
- Celebrated our Second Annual Gala: “Music Night” and raised $40,00+ funds for our endowment.
- Provided over 3,500 turkeys through baskets and local dinners with the help of our parish partners and community organizations
- 480 weekend snack bags provided to a weekly average of 80 children with the Children’s Summer Lunch program
- Provided over 525 children ages 10+ with gift cards at Christmas, along with food baskets
- About 500 “Jessica’s Corner” bags were given out containing infant care items, in memory of Jessica, a former pantry recipient
- First Step was launched to showcase the courage that it takes for people to reach out and take that first step toward healing and recovery. Over 40 participants and media celebrities rappelled 10 stories at the DoubleTree Hotel to demonstrate their support and spirit of adventure in overcoming personal challenges.